Sunday, 1 April 2018

Last long training run completed

My incentive for getting out of bed early was not limited to just eating chocolate for the rest of the day...although this was appealing.

The weather first thing was beautiful and crisp, blue skies and just the birdsong chorus.

My preparation of the water carrier overnight was not a sensible plan however as no sooner did I start running but the sloshing started.....air had clearly decided to sneak back in.   After a quick stop to sort this out, I was on my way.

A steady run with not a huge amount to really report on.   I would love to say I saw a few Easter bunnies but I would be lying.... (Sorry Kids).

My playlist was on shuffle and at Bridge 137 I was a treated to Black Lace - "Do the Conga!" - a classic disco anthem which made me laugh out loud.  Such a ridiculous song and so incongruous to my surroundings at the time -  I was staring at a huge hills to either side and the muddy tow path ahead.   Also - imagine doing the Conga around the VLM?....I suspect someone already has.

Did have a stop and walk briefly at mile 20 as my left outer knee was feeling particularly tight....hopefully not the start of the dreaded IT Band issue again but after a good stretch out and a gentler pace, I made it home in one piece.

My darling #2 had made marshmallow Krispy cakes yesterday so I smashed one of those into myself upon entry home, had quick bath and then straight back out for Easter lunch and the Egg hunt. 

Pleased with my morning effort and now really looking forward to the challenge of completing the biggie in 20 days time!

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