I failed to get away to hopefully enjoy some natural daylight, so instead had to endure the "torchlight run" with my trusty bluetooth bobble but on the upside, my new orthotic insoles had arrived, so I decided to give them an outing......
6km into the run, the nagging sensation of "the rub" started to make its presence known under the ball of my right foot but with my big girl running pants on, I ran on determined to continue feeling fresh and strong. (PPffffssttt....)
10km in and I started to alter my stride and probably looked like cowboy walking to anyone unfortunate enough to have passed me on the A40.
I looked something like this.....
But wished I had seen something like this....
An 11 km run today (did 6.28km yesterday but nothing to really report except I wished I had worn gloves as my fingers are still fused).
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